
The Chinese government operates its prisons as live organ banks

Collected in this Wikipedia entry:
(Call to Dr. Lu, Nanning City Minzu Hospital, Guangxi:)

M: Then they use organs from Falun Gong practitioners?
Hosp: Correct...
M: ...what you used before (organs from Falun Gong practitioners), was it from detention centre(s) or prison(s)?
Hosp: From prisons.
M: ...and it was from healthy Falun Gong practitioners...?
Hosp: Correct. We would choose the good ones because we assure the quality in our operation.
M: That means you choose the organs yourself.
Hosp: Correct...
M: Usually, how old is the organ supplier?
Hosp: Usually in their thirties.
M: ... Then you will go to the prison to select yourself?
Hosp: Correct. We must select it.
M: What if the chosen one doesn't want to have blood drawn?
Hosp: He will for sure let us do it.
M: How?
Hosp: They will for sure find a way. What do you worry about? These kinds of things should not be of any concern to you. They have their procedures.

And from an organ transplant web site:
A: Before the living kidney transplantation, we will ensure the donor's renal function...So it is more safe than in other countries, where the organ is not from a living donor.
Q: Are the organs for the pancreas transplant(ed) from brain death (sic) (dead) patients?
A: Our organs do not come from brain death victims because the state of the organ may not be good.